Monday, August 25, 2008

Active Use of Inner Senses: Intuition

Each of the inner senses can be used actively as well as passively.

The active mode of Intuition is probability-shifting, or coincidental magick -- changing, adjusting and shaping the workings of chance and coincidence. The Law of Attraction and the Power of Intent are two popular ways of describing projective intuition. In this mode, you actively select future probabilities rather than merely sensing them.

The synthesis of active and passive intuition, or the midpoint between them, is what Mihalyi Czikszentmihalyi called the Flow State. In this state, a person moves and acts spontaneously in accord with intuition, and the barrier between subject and object dissolves. The flow state is common in sport, dance, and other highly focused activities. Quite often it results in performance that seems extraordinary or miraculous, as when a figure skater spins on the ice with the exquisitely precise abandon of a gyroscope, or an athlete seems to defy weight and gravity, or a mountain-climber surmounts inhuman amounts of pain and fatigue to reach the summit. Not surprisingly, the flow state is also commonly found in war. It is no respecter of civilized proprieties.

When you are perfectly centered in the now, you do not think of the next moment, and so you can act spontaneously, freeing time from its linear sequence, unbound by cause and effect.