Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Project: Creating the Ability to Walk & Type.

My current project: to create for myself the ability to walk, to type, & to perform other physical actions. Walking and typing are on top of the list; walking for reasons of obvious convenience, typing because I want to be a writer. I currently have some kind of inflammatory joint condition, which I am holding in check with herbal remedies, but not well enough so far to completely eliminate it. My intent is to fix this problem using the methods in the Elias material, as well as other works that I find useful & informative.

I prefer to think in terms of "creating" rather than "healing", since I don't feel comfortable with what I call the "New Age healing mentality". The "healing mentality" contains a lot of assumptions which, I have come to realise, are not absolutes but simply belief systems, & most are not ones with which I would care to align.

For example: the notion that physical illness is always the manifestation of inner pain & suffering, & order to cure the illness it is necessary to heal the "inner wounds". Now, this is certainly true for some people at least some of the time; not because it has to work that way, but because their belief systems construct it that way. I tried this paradigm on for size just to see if it would fit, & the conclusion I came to is that it is quite foreign to how I & my reality work. "Inner wounds" are just too melodramatic for me. If I try to think that way, it feels artificial, like hype.

(As I've said, these concepts do work for some people. If you have a paradigm that works, by all means, use it. Elias says that we do not need to eliminate belief systems, just become consciously aware of which ones we are setting into effect.)

Now, there are clearly psychological issues connected with the physical symptoms. For example, the finger problems relate to communication, the freedom to communicate, being judged by others for saying controversial things (like this post, for instance). But the way this feels to me is more pragmatic than dramatic. I don't need to heal my wounded inner child, just dig myself out of the hole one step (or keystroke) at a time, by demonstrating to myself my ability to communicate openly & publicly.

I'm going to use this blog to record & share my experiences -- and, in the process, gain new insights. Sort of killing two birds with one stone: communicating while developing the ability to communicate. Perhaps this will set up a bootstrap effect.

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